Course: Introduction to Jogo do Pau Português - ...


Introduction to Jogo do Pau Português - Amarelo 1º Grau

Video lesson

C.01.03 Game Start / Exercise Salutation

Before the start of the game, a ritual is usually performed that marks the transition from a relaxed situation to a guard position (usually for a “guarda de espera”).

The rule is that, if it is introduced in a class, the command to start this salutation is given by the teaching agent to the most graduated athlete, which must follow the movement. In case there is no teaching agent, the highest-ranking athlete should begin the ritual and the less graduated should follow at the same pace.

Start in the walk position (“posição de marcha”). The two athletes are face to face. If there are more athletes, they should be facing the centre so that all participants can see each other.

At the “Posição de Atenção” command, (1) athletes lower their left hand by tilting the staff, while the right hand rises and crosses the front of the athlete to grab the top of the staff (2) after which the left hand rotates on the staff and grabs the same spot.

At the same time, the athlete leans slightly forward, enough to “unlock” the knees.

This position is called “Attention Position” and athletes, as the name implies, must be attentive to the opponent so that in the event of any sudden movement they may move to defence or attack the opponent.

At the “Em guarda” command, (3) the athletes pull the staff with their right hand over their heads while taking a step backward by opening their legs to the “guarda baixa de pau oblíquo a ponta do pau”.

If everything is OK (4) move to the “guarda de espera alta a ponta do pau” in the left position.

Regarding the distance between athletes, these must be at a distance sufficient that at the end of the movement they have the correct combat distance.