Course: Introduction to Jogo do Pau Português - ...


Introduction to Jogo do Pau Português - Amarelo 1º Grau

Video lesson

P.01.01 “Pancada Enviesada pela Direita Alta” with parallel feet

Learning starts in the standing position, with your feet parallel and approximately at shoulder length. The most normal and comfortable position possible. The staff must be secured at your side as close as possible to the Guarda de Espera” Position.

We will carry out the movements time by time to correct our positions:

1 – The hip rotates to the right at the same time as the dominant hand moves over the shoulder, taking the heavy tip of the staff to the left approximately at the hip level. It can be higher, but never below hip height.

2 – The hip rotates to the left, taking the dominant hand to rotate the stick behind the body in such a way that when it starts its forward-path (towards the opponent) it does it from top to bottom and more or less in 45-degree angle.



  1. The dominant hand should only follow the staff from the moment the tip of the staff passes through the athlete’s body.
  2. The left hand starts at shoulder width, but slips closer to the right hand as the staff rotates, without ever touching. Under no circumstances should it interfere with the rotation of the pole, all work should result from the rotation of the body and the work performed by the right hand (dominant).
  3. The attacks must be directed at the opponent’s neck. If performed alone, we can use a reflection in the mirror, a bag, tire, or imagine an opponent; in any case, we must always consider a taller opponent.

This exercise should be performed step by step until the rotation is correct; we recommend 10 to 20 repetitions.

As soon as this attack is understood, they must repeat the exercise with these 2 steps done in a single movement.