Stafffighters e-Learning Project

Introduction to Jogo do Pau Português - Amarelo 1º Grau

The basic concepts of traditional portuguese martial arts "Jogo do Pau". According to the technique praticed in Jogo do Pau ... Show more
Ricardo Moura
35 Students enrolled
  • Description
  • Curriculum
  • Announcement

This is the brand new:

Jogo do Pau Português E-Learning Course

You will find these first steps organized in 6 sections, 35 lessons (which include a description and a video), 7 assignments and 3 quizzes, and a maximum duration of 16 weeks (approx. 4 months).

Take a look at the curriculum; you have 2 lessons open for preview. As part of the evaluation you will be invited to present videos of your progress that will be viewed and evaluated by a teacher, and you will also have a forum that you can use to communicate with teachers and other students.

At the end of the course, you will get a Diploma that certifies you attended and completed a course that is equivalent to the Graduation of Amarelo 1.º grau.

You can get full graduation if you attend a physical event with one of our teachers; this can be in Cascais, Portugal, or in your home town if a group is created that can justify such an event.

This course is developed by “Jogo do Pau Cascais – Stafffighters” following the technique we teach in our schools.

It is supervised by Professor Ricardo Moura – Cinta Preta of Jogo do Pau, President and Founding member of Jogo do Pau Association of Cascais, who has over a decade of continuous practice.

We hope you enjoy this course. Feel free to contact us with questions or suggestions.

A - Distance Training in Attacks

All Students that complete this Course may be invited to participate in the "Stafffighters - Private Group" in Facebook.

This Group has most of the Jogo do Pau Cascais athlete's and teacher's available to answer any questions and post technical information about Jogo do Pau. We also place videos of our training sessions, and hopefully broadcast live soon.

So,... step up and finish the course, we are waiting to welcome you to the group .